Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 35 Capital Hill song: Toss - The Brodys

Put on my best thrift store jacket, brand new clip-on tie, and used a sensible portion of my finest hair grease for my big contact for the day. I was meeting with Mr. Bowler who works for the Church Office in P.R. work for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His position is highly important and he has an office that is near the nations capital that is bigger than my last apartment. He was on the third floor and has a secratery. And he has a Dr. X chair.

Mr. Bowler: "I'm sorry we don't have anything here in the office or anything I even know about. I wish I could point you in a direction. You could try working for the senate. The California senators Barbara Boxer or Diane Feinstein. You could have a chance there if you try."

Mr. Bowler: "So tell me what it is you liked about Gruene Texas?"
Randy: "Well, I loved the town.... the way the structures that made the town, didn't corrupt the land. The perfectly organized community with a good radio station. It had everything you needed and nothing you don't want. It was perfectly situated between San Antonio and Austin Texas. It had culture and class."
Mr. Bower: "But how will you find a woman in Gruene Texas?"
Randy: "Heh heh. there in lies my canumdrum. I don't know how. But I am just not ready to move to provo raising the white flag and while wearing a shirt that says "you win ladies, what is thy bidding?". But those days are drawing nearer."

He continued to tell me his trail to his job now. He did one thing that led to another. He was a college professor at one point and worked in congress and was a lobbiest and did many of the things that people dream of.

Mr. Bowler: "There is three things I would tell a man of your age. One have a dream. Two persue that dream. Or it becomes a fantasy. Three, be flexible. You may and probably won't have a straight line leading up to that dream. The reason I think people have been so empathetic to you is because you are living their dream. Everyone has wanted to travel like you are, but they usually can't or didn't have the guts. They see how hard you have worked for what you got and they want to see you succeed. Maybe because they see themselves in you.
You will find what you are looking for. You will. Its hard on everyone right now. You are out there learning about the country and you have been to more places in the last five weeks than I have been my whole life. My dream was to travel Europe, my old mission. Now all my kids are grown up you would think I could just pick up and go with my wife, but isn't that easy. I don't have time. You grow up thinking that when you get old all you have is time, but thats not true. There is always more to do."

Right before I thanked him for his time, he said wait and he e-mailed a friend of his who happens to be the producer for Wolf Blitzer one of the main voices for CNN. "I think she might find you interesting, she might be able to help you. It was sure a pleasure to meet with you, you are definately and interesting guy. I wish you the best of luck."
Right before I left I couldn't help but notice on his e-mail account he had some e-mails from some of the highest authorities in our church. I wasn't aware of his prowess in his career, but I am starting to get it.
As I came back to my station today I got my bus ticket to northern New England I got an e-mail from the producer of Wolf Blitzer. She wants to meet with me. She thinks I sound interesting. We will see what happens with that.

Speaking of those who want me to succeed and to help me out. I have now gotten a few offers from those who wish to give a charitable donation. You can't understand how flattering that is. Just the thought is worth more than the money. I thank you. However, I vowed I would do this trip without accepting money. That I would do this like a real lonesome traveling troubadour. And I have bugeted well. However, however, two women in Texas had already corrupted me. They gave me money against my will. And I let my parents help me with my car battery and one hotel room. So Because my trip will be obviosly longer than 40 days (more like 70), I just might consider it. I will let those know after I leave New England. Thank you once again.

Scripture: Alma 13:10


  1. Dr.X chair! ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!

  2. Wow, Wolf Blitzer's producer, that is huge. Best of luck! When do you meet with her? Regardless of the outcome, that is still really cool, and one more amazing experience to add to your trip's catalogue of experiences.

  3. Randy, Wolf Blitzer! That is so impressive! Commit every part of that experience to memory, I want to hear all about it! Way to go.
