Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 26 Louisville KT song: Sunday Morning Coming Down - Kris Kristofferson

Going up north from Nashville was difficult when I got to Kentucky. Every exit there was another museum egging me on. I planned the day so that I didn't have to spend any money. Which I wasn't going to, but I had to use the restroom,.... why not at the national corvette museum? The museum was huge, and very fancy, and the price was very reasonable compared to what you might think. BUUUUTTT, I resisted in the last second and kept on moving.
I drove through past the most enticing museums yet, and I drove past many giant billboards say things like, "Jesus Saves", "Do you know where you go when YOU die?", and my favorite, "Hell is Real" placed across the highway from an adult book megastore.

Even though I had time to spare, I went straight to church an hour early. Which is good, because the website had the time an hour late, and I crossed into eastern time and I didn't know it. So I missed the sacrament meeting, but I did catch sunday school. The gospel doctrine was taught by a dude sporting a long ponytail, beard, black fadora and dark aviators. By looking at him, I suspected he could humble me at ZZ Top trivia, or Dungeons and Dragons trivia. Afterwards, I found out that I was right on both accounts. But he taught a great lesson on keeping the sabbath holy. Which is the third time I have heard that on this journey. I loved it anyway, and I am glad I didn't do anything to make me feel guilty, even if I AM traveling.

Seeing other wards across the nation has been some of my favorite things on this trip. I get to see how others conduct themselves differently and see things differently yet still live the same gospel. I have loved that.

Afterwards they had a baptism. I watched a young woman get baptized and I was moved. I love watching those happen in other places with different cultures and situations. I remembered my own on Christmas morning 12 years ago, I remember every detail, and I wondered if it will be like that for her. I reflected on times when I got to go in and baptise others as well. I was so moved by the experience, that I caught myself thinking of cowboys and baseball to keep from letting my emotions rise to the surface. It didn't work perfectly but I did ok.

Afterwards there was a young man who sat with me at the luncheon. His name was Jerry, he was a bit slow. He was awesome though, because he kept telling me stories like Forest Gump. "Yeah, I wurk at da Krow-gur. I baag stuff and collect buggy's. Ahhm allsa fixin' tuh go ahn a mishin'. I caint wait fuh thaat. You know, my parents are converts too? Yeah joined wHen I was fiiive. Muh daddy joined furst, muh momma took awhile, but now muh daddy is a little less active and muh momma has the greatest tistimony in da world."
I could have listened to Jerry all evening, he had such a good heart, I was inspired by him, I'm glad it was him who choose to introduce himself to me. He then showed me his lunch box where he pulled something out. "This is muh 1830 addition book of Moormun. I lawk it better cause they broke up the chapters bigger bayak thean. I read a chapter a naight and it keeps me awhn the good paith. It prepairs me for da mishin. Some nawts I dream dat I go tuh, paris, or london or austrailia, but I'll happily go where ever da Good Lord Sends me."

I had a great day in church, and meeting Jerry made my day worth it. I wished for him the best mission anyone ever has.

My love affair with Kentucky so far was a little attenuated when i got to the campgrounds. They are almost as bad as nashville with almost as bad a price. For ten dollars more I can do motel six. But, I have saved some cash with hospitibul people so I cannot complain. I wished I had invited Jerry to hang out with me more, because tonight is a bit lonely, but..... I can tough it out and see what tomorrow holds. I should be in West Virginia by the evening.

Mark 2: 27


  1. Rockin Randy!!!! I'm so glad that I started reading this blog. It's freaking awesome. I started last week and I finally caught up today. Sometimes I feel like I'm there with you and I imagine what's happening as you explain things. Sounds like an awesome adventure and I wish I could do something similar. Keep on keepin on and things will work out. The Lord will bless you and take care of you.

  2. I too remember a Christmas day 12 years ago. I've never had another like it- nor do I think I ever will. Ü
