Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 29 Columbia MD, song: 500 Miles - The Proclaimers

I woke up to soft purr of a cuddling kat that crawled into my bed. I secretly kind of enjoyed the company.

I have traveled now over 5000 miles, just to be the man who would walk five thousand miles to fall down at your door. Da duh ta, da duh ta. da da ta da duh tuh dah dah dah da. ........... Don't judge, I can usually outmusic you any day of the week.......... so back the heck off!!!!

After all the traveling that I have done and so much of it was not on the original agenda, I have burned out some. I spent the day doing research looking for jobs. I have heard from a couple of good friends that the job market in DC is great. So I spent most of the time researching for broadcasting jobs. I have found a couple of opportunities here and there, but not much going on. Unless I can speak Dari, or Spanish. (I can already hear my Mom rubbing the spanish one in my face). However there is one in xm radio that is all Baseball all day long that I may qualify for.

I spent a good chunk of the Day with my host Annie, we saw some of the very green and beautifully organized planned community she lives in, in the town of Columbia. We spoke of many important things about life. She is a friend who you can have the most meaningful conversations with for a long time and never get tired. Helps put into perspective.
One thing she brought to my attention as far as the question about Argo asked when he asked, "why are you doing broadcasting, is it because you want to be famous or to have something to say." Annie's theory which is the only one that makes sense to me is that I do it for the people. I don't know that I care about having something to say and I certainly don't care much about the fame. I love the variety of people I get to meet. I love the places I would go that I would never go for any other reasons. I love that you are constantly learning about the world around you and about the lives of your neighbors. There is a reason I am doing all this, I do love broadcasting for a logical reason, I just hope its enough to keep me to endure to the end.

Later in the evening Annie's husband Matt invited me to come and hometeach an individual in his ward. I played it cool, but inside I was thrilled. I loved the idea of meeting someone new, I have come to really love meeting random folks. This man we taught Brian, I can tell had a few too many hard knocks for one man. He had a condition that rendered him unable in a lot of ways, he had been slowed down, but he was blessed with a sincerity and a hunger for knowledge and guidance that was heartwarming. I was so happy to meet with him and watch Matt bring him a message about the comfort of the gospel. You can tell he has endured a lot in his life and continues to endure more than most ever do on a daily basis. He hangs on every word of hope, which seemes to grant him the power to carry on. Matt turned attention to me for a bit and told Brian about my adventure. And Brian looked right into my soul with a look I can never forget and asked, "did...did the voice tel ya ta come here?"
Oddly enough, I never looked at it that way. I never thought about what made me do this trip or even go to Maryland. It just seemed logical at that point. It seemed like something I needed to do, but I can equate what point this actually got in my head that it is something I NEED to do. But could there have been something else? Brian seemed to believe it could have been, why didn't I ever wonder that?
Matt said that visiting with Brian can be very sobering. That was an understatement. Meeting him put some perspective to my journey. He was so greatful for us to come and share a message and be a servant. This is something I have not gotten to do for many people on this trip, serve others. Just like the 1980's show the Incredible Hulk when Dr. David Banner would drift into another town and make a friend, he would help them in someway and this would help him deal with his inner demon, which in his case was the Hulk.
I got a feeling that I won't be too successful if I let opportunities to serve others pass me by. I have been served plenty, now it is my turn. If I focus too much on myself, I will miss what I love the most....others.

Mosiah 2:17

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