Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 12 Allan T.X. song: Just What I Needed - The Cars

Spent the morning visiting with Jarrod's parents. They made me the best breakfast I have ever had. Sausage, pancakes, eggs, cheese, fruit everything. We sat and talked about life, religion and work. It was just what I needed. They have a real comforting wisdom of Mormon and Texan mixed in one that serves up a heartwarming conversation. They let you feel comfortable real fast.

Church in Allen was about as good as a church experience as I have ever had. Fast and Testimony meetings happen every first Sunday. They are usually notorious for a bunch of single adults getting unnecessarily emotional and being incohesive in their thought process. This week however, I managed to hear something much more inspiring than that, I heard real passion in their words that told me, they didn't only have hope, but they also had wisdom. The branch presidents words spoke right to me, he like all the rest of us, has had his hard knocks and has lived to tell about his triumphant return. Its really pretty funny, between sunday school and priesthood, their wasn't anything new that I heard or even taught better, but it was that it sounded different, so I was able to hear it. Its funny how I can come to a different place, with different people, but all the blues are the same and all of the Gospel is still the same. I had those goosebump feelings that one gets when he hears things for the first time in the Gospel, almost as if my heart was being woken up. I have been a fully active member for a long long time, there is no reason for me to have these experiences that one gets after a long time gone. The only thing I can reason with is that my plight has made me think of other things that I had neglected for a long time.

Of course, I am not trying to convert or inandate anybody with my religion on this blog, its not what this is for. But this is however what is honestly stirring in my life and I am very convinced that for this trip to be a successful one, I have to make sure I live my beliefs and keep the Sundays as Holy as I can. They are a day for me to relax, realign and recharge. If I don't do it this way, I will be alone on this trip, and it will get lonely real fast.

I left Allen T.X. in the evening and said goodbye to Jarrod's family. They offered for me to come back and stay anytime I want. Jarrod's father Jim even offered me a place to get a job at his employment and GMAC until I find what I am really looking for. They wanted me to know that theirs is a place I can call home. They brought me in almost as if I was their son in no time. They sent me with food and wished me the best of luck..... You know..... I may not find whatever it was I am looking for..... but, it seems as though I might be finding things that are much better.

scripture: Genesis 2:2-3 And on the seventh dayGod ended his work which he had made' and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

And God blessed the seveth day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work whcih God created and made.

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