Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 43 Washington D.C. song: Happy Go Lucky Me - Paul Evans

Spent most of the morning sleeping off my cold. Drinking fluids, taking vitamins and Nyquil. Its been good. I seem to be getting better.

When I arose from the dead at 2pm, I kept e-mailing people to whom I may visit on the trip (broadcasting contacts) and hoped for the best. Got a hair cut from the Soul barber and then went to CNN.

I met with Jill the producer for Wolf Blitzer. She is intense. She is in broadcasting for a good reason, she makes having ADD seem like a super power. She operates superfast, she probably does more in two hours than most people do all day.
She gave me lots of sound advice, she told me that I should think about getting an agent. She gave me the idea of trying to get a job on the Hill (washington D.C.) and trying that, perhaps working for california senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. She told me of some stories of other college grads who crawled up the latter from the bottom and are making their way to the top.
She quickly introduced me to alot of the staff. I even got to stand in the room where they broadcast the situation room, live. There wasn't much of a situation goin on, but it was a cool studio. I got to briefly meet Wolf Blitzer. His quote to me was
Jill: "Hey Wolf, this is Randy, a recent college grad and a potential."
Wolf: "Hello Randy its nice to meet you are you doing ok (?) good, it was nice to meet you."
Person Behind Wolf Blitzer : "Thats about all you're gonna get from him."

Jill really sincerely wanted to help me out, but she knows I can't go straight to the top of the market, thats ok, I don't expect to. But I loved that in her extremely busy schedule, she seemed to want to take the time to meet with me, I was honored.
"Your doing the right thing. I know you will find a job. You have the right attitude and this trip you are on gives you a lot of education. I am jealous. I just know you'll be fine. We will keep in touch, I promise. Because I really want to know what happens."

I got back to Matt and Annie's place, Matt gave me a blessing to help get rid of my cold. I might not seem like I am getting anywhere, But some how, some way, I feel pretty good about my plight.

Scripture: 2nd Corinthians 4:15

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