Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 5 Denver C.O. song:Rocky Mountain High - John Denver

I pleasantly woke up inside a roof while Todd’s cool roommate Grant made everyone a hot breakfast. Partly because his woman was coming, but I think he was just that kind of guy. I ate up everything so there was no leftover no matter how filled I was, you never know when you will eat that good again on the road. Minutes after breakfast, Grant and his woman broke it off. It was very short and to the point. I had to admire his ability to take it like a man. Grant is about my age, and I guess when you have had enough bad luck you learn how to deal with those things. But he is a successful dude, he will do fine.
Church was great, like always if you are paying attention, what is said in church is supposed to apply directly to you. Even in an unfamiliar ward, this happened to me, as we spoke of the keeping the Sabbath day holy. For sacrament meeting everyone bore their testimony with their favorite hymn, we sang the hymn. It was a little weird, but unique and I enjoyed it, and surprisingly singing that many hymns didn’t put me to sleep.
At Sunday school the Bishop spoke of how we will need to start planting seeds and have gardens to grow our crops in five years because he promises it will get that bad in this economy. That was something I didn’t want to hear as I travel like a vagabond.

After church Grant made me lunch and sent me on my way. He and Todd both offered to come back and stay with them anytime I come back to Grand Junction. Even though I never did get to meet with the broadcaster, I can’t say this adventure was unsuccessful. I really did make some good connections and I found a place that I felt welcome.

Driving to Denver was a bit scary. Going over some high altitude passes while a heavy storm was brewing was a bit nerve wracking. But I made it, however the snow never quit. I am going to have to find another place to stay for Monday night.

While strolling about town, I met a pretty and sweet girl named Leah. She is a student at the Christian college. She was pretty open about sharing her feelings on Christ. As a religious person it was a nice breathe of air to just hear that from someone. I would have gotten her number, but I decided not to go there, I didn’t know where that would take me, I wish her well.

scripture: James 1:3

"Knowing this, that the tryihng of your faith worketh patience."

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry-- yeah, the economy will be bad for about another 5 years, but with every down comes an up are doing something amazing right now, and it sounds like you are doing it well and successfully :D
