Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day 3 Grand Junction C.O. song: Living on the Edge - White Lion

Started bright and early at the KOA. I will now swear by these places. They are a third of the price of a really cheap motel, and you get a better bathroom and treatment. Plus, you can make friends with the other campers. Its a really family friendly place and they are always located out of harms way. KOA is the way to go. (my check is in the mail.)

Daniel and Chris, the good ole boys from Alabama, took me to Price Utah to go to the nearest wal-mart, (the first one I have seen in days) to get some supplies and to see the Dinosaur museum. I should have suspected there were dinosaur findings in Utah but I hadn't ever thought about. But we saw the actual skeleton of a Wooly Mammoth and a Velociraptor and a saber tooth tiger. Ms any artifacts that were ancient and such. I have never seen any dinosaur bones before, so for me that was pretty rad. I was really sad to part ways so quickly with Daniel and Chris. Those two were really tight brothers and they had such a good hold on life. I was inspired by them. They make the complications in life seem so uncomplicated, I almost I wished I could join them for the rest of their journey across the country. They were going much slower than me, taking time to stop and enjoy view. We wished each other luck and that was it.

After we parted, I went to visit for the first time, Arches National Park. I'll tell ya for any of you who have not been there, plan to spend at LEAST half a day out there, because whether you want to or not, you will spend half a day out there. Its got so many amazing landscapes that my eyes seriously began to hurt from the sensory overload. I didn't see the Arch that is on the Utah licence plate, I got too winded at the hike. Arches is not asthmatic friendly. But I did see the Devil's Garden, and the Devil's Peak and the Devil's furnace. They were the coolest places. I didn't know Satan had so many hubs in Utah. When I was pulling out I was searching for the Devil's Hammock and the Devil's foot massage therapist. To tell you the truth, I think I once dated the Devil's foot massage therapist.

I drove just a little further into colorado at Grand Junction. I expected this town to be another truck stop, but it wasn't. Grand Junction is a big town with Best Buys and Pet Smarts. My first reaction was annoyed that I was back in urban hell already, but another part says that its nice to have a little less isolation. Saturday is a big day for me, got lots to do, and I think I have an interview with a station in denver on monday. Cross your fingers for me.

scripture of the day: Enos 1:4 And my soul hungered;and I kneeled down before my Maker, prayer and supplication for mine won soul' and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens.

1 comment:

  1. "I didn't know Satan had so many hubs in Utah" HAHA, pure comic gold!
