Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 51 Nauvoo IL song: The Long Way Home - Norah Jones

Leaving The Parkers home was hard. Who knows if and when I will see another bed, let along a warm cooked meal. Not to mention, friends that I have no idea if and when I will see them again. But like Celine Dion, my heart must go on.

I drove towards St. Louis by way of Nauvoo IL first. One thing I have not done since being on this trip is go inside a temple. When I got there, I only intended on visiting for a few moments and leaving. But I just walked in without thinking. I just did some work. A lot of work in there, for several hours. I spent time in there just thinking. Thinking about what I am doing and wondering if I got off course somewhere. Or more importantly, where am I supposed to end up. Where is the logical end of this journey? Only a non believer comes to the temple expecting only a logical answer.

While in the temple, many of the volunteer workers were interested in my story when they asked where I was from. One gentleman by the name of Brother Howard asked me, "You look like you speak spanish do you?....Oh well if you did, that would help you on your journey. You need to go to the visiters center and pick up a Book of Mormon from the Sister Missionaries in Spanish. And then read it for 15 minutes a day until you learn it. Even if you don't understand it. Will you do this?"

That is a heck of a thing to try to get a stranger to commit to. Even stranger thing for me to actually commit to. I did exactly as he said. I didn't think about it, I just did it. I met with the missionaries who told me of all of the events going on in town that are free that I just "HAVE" to go see. And I was informed of somebody who would be able to help me on my quest. So I stayed. It was too late to go to St. Louis and get anything done at this point anyway.

I saw a play that was about the upstart of Nauvoo. It was done by senior citezens at LEAST 70 and up. Now, I have always thought it was cute for kids to play adults. But it is so much greater to watch old dudes play young folk. IT WAS AWESOME. You have not seen theatre until you have seen it done COMPLETELY by old people. These people were just retired and have fun just being apart of this fun show. You can't miss it if you go to this town.

Afterwards there was a special free performance by the BYU Ballroom team. I couldn't find the guy everyone was telling me about to meet with. So I had nothing else to do but watch the BYU dancers. I didn't know this but, they were known as some of the best in the country and probably the world. Now I am a dude. I have never willingly gone to watch ballroom unless it was for a girlfriend or something. But I really enjoyed this, and I was by myself. Before I wasn't sure how much it had to do with the company I was with but this time it was just me. And I didn't enjoy this performance because I was checking out the chicks either. Granted I did want to take a couple of them for a spin, (litterally not figuratively) but that was not it. I just enjoyed it.
I'll tell you, if ever any of you ever catch me watching dancing with the stars bymyself, I want you to back hand me and start quoting Jim Mora, Vince Lombardi and Mike Ditka. I fear for my future as a dude.

I spent the night in the town that Mark Twain came from. I am going to have to skip St. Louis for now and go straight to Kansas City. I have an appointment and I can NOT afford to miss those.

scripture: TBD

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