Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 41 Boston M.A. song: Doin' My Best - Gary Allan

This morning Ben and his friend Katie took me on what is called the freedom trail. It goes from all throuought the historical district of Boston, which is almost entirely historical. He taught me more about America than I learned in Elementary school in one day. I passed by John Kerry's place. The state House, the graves of many like Paul Revere, Sam Adams and John Hancock. There has been something surreal about many parts of this journey, and Boston was no exception. There wasn't a lot of monument of the past, there was real history that took place right where I was standing. Moments that made the United States what it is occured right there under my feet. I saw where battles were fought, protesters and people revolted, people slain and died standing up for the good of the many. I had to respect it in my silence. Boston really may be the most historical place in The U.S.

Afterwards, I chased that lead from Ben's friend Jared. We went into WBUR for an appointment I had with Margaret. She is an Aussie who has been in the business for years and was intrigued by my adventure, and like everyone else, thinks I will be just fine.
"You seem Like you want to do more comercial work. This is is NPR but we may have some free lance work for you, just to help you get in tha door. You seeem very motivated and would be a great asset to whom you wurk for. Talk to our production manager Glenn, I think he may be able to help you."
Margaret treated me like I was one of her own. She took me into her office and helped me find some more avenues to explore that would best suit my talents. She was great. She took my information and will be keeping up on the journey as well.

Across the hall Ben and Jared invited me to hang out in one of the broadcast studios. Now, NPR (National Public Radio) sounds like it would be boring and worthless. But this station was by FAR the largest radio station I have ever been too, it looks like it would be a lot of fun. By looking at it and how updated it is, you would think that radio is going nowhere that it is only just the begining.
But we played around on the microphones and played Disc Jockey for a while as we hosted a fake show. Of course, it is always fun to do that but it was GREAT fun this time around. I really needed that. It reminded me of how it was to be on the airwaves. Even though it wasn't broadcasted, the feelings came back and I loved it.

When we left, Ben took me over to his female friend's apartment. We hung out and jammed like the old days and entertained and Ben told everyone about my fifteen minutes of American fame on the airwaves. Everyone seems very supportive and intrigued. I guess I like that a little, I often felt that people I knew secretly thought of me as an idiot for doing this trip, especially in the first couple of weeks. But I guess I was paranoid. But the funny thing is though, everyones story is just as entertaining, only thing different that I do is my little online journal. I have just as much and more to respect from others. So I tried to spend the time trying to get to know them. I don't have much interest in telling my story to people so much. I have my blog for that.

When I got to Ben's home, I had the chills. I have been fighting different symptoms of a cold and this one feels much more serious than the one I had in Tennessee. I am a bit fatigued and I have a busted left foot. When I get to D.C. I may have to ask for another blessing. I may be past the half way point, but I still got a long road ahead of me.

scripture: Romans 5:3


  1. "Secretly thought you were an idiot for doing this trip" Are you kidding me? IF someone actually DID think that about you...then they are the idiot. Personally, I think you are amazing. You know what you want and you are going after it- there is nothing idiotic about that.

  2. Um, define 'busted left foot.'

  3. Also, you might want this:
    (link to your fox interview) ;)
